Work has now resumed in Folkestone
//Work has now resumed in Folkestone
Work has now resumed in Folkestone
- Fecha : 2021-09-21
The construction of the F51 - Folkestone Skatepark continues to advance and the deadline is drawing closer.
The architect of the project, Annabel Sawyer, did an interview in which she highlights the importance and complexity of
the façade that IMAR effectively solved.
Annabel Sawyer Interview

In spite of the difficulties wich were faced with the pandemic, the exterior of the façade has already been completed.
The multi-million pound project was first proposed in 2015 but has been subject to many delays due to its complex design, escalating costs and previous issues with cladding, which have now been resolved.

Here you have the Facebook and Instagram accounts of F51 so that you can follow the latest progress of the project.
Facebook Instagram