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Perforated and expanded. The new section of architecture IMAR

//Perforated and expanded. The new section of architecture IMAR

Perforated and expanded. The new section of architecture IMAR

Soluciones :
  • Fecha : 2015-07-15

We have included in our website a new section on architectural solutions for facades with perforated and expanded.

The first project we"ve built into this section was the University Clinic of Manresa. This building, designed by the architectural team of Manuel Parés-Manciñeiras is coated pre-galvanized steel, perforated, expanded and lacquered.

This clinic of 3,500 m2, located on campus, is destined for the practice of Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Speech Therapy.


fachada clinica universitaria manresa

acero perforado expandido imar

fachada de acero perforado imar

aero pregalvanizado perforado y expandido, imar

acero perforado


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